AREMA is engaged in the design and execution of projects as well as construction and commissioning of water treatment plants.

Its main business areas are: treatment of urban and industrial wastewater, drinking water treatment, process water for industry, desalination, water regeneration and reuse, sludge treatment and leachate treatment.

Improving living conditions and respect for the environment are the strength that starts every morning, the engine of our boat.

The scope of activity of the company is currently located both inside the national market as well as the international arena.


AREMA has a wide international experience. More than 15 years ago, the company began a process of internationalization in order to expand to new markets and new ways of collaboration.

In order to increase its international presence, AREMA has worked with local partners, designing projects and acting as a consultant engineering, as well as executing and monitoring of its own works.

The company has offices and commercial representations in several countries of Central and South America as well as Eastern Europe and North Africa. AREMA is currently executing works mainly in Mexico, Colombia, Bulgaria, Romania and Algeria.

Committed to the environment and people, the company defines its values considering:

  • Application of Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP).
  • The search for savings, reuse and energy efficiency.
  • The best long-term solutions.
  • Performance bond on the proposed solutions.
  • The willingness of social commitment.

L’Empresa disposa de les Classificacions otorgades pel Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas per a la realització de treballs a les diverses Administracions Públiques, tant en disseny i construcció de plantes de tractament com en el manteniment i operació de les mateixes, talment com la d’obres hidràuliques i obres elèctriques.

MAPA empresa arema

Rubau Group is mainly involved in construction, property development and concession management. Its scope of operations is both national and international, given that it is currently developing a major internationalisation project, principally on the American and European continents.

A modern, innovative company, it is renowned and a leader in society that, without losing its own identity, takes on the challenges facing the sector in a professional and committed way, always at the service of the client and society in general.

The current Group strategic plan includes sustainable growth from the incorporation of new customers, geographic expansion and the creation of new business areas.

rubau grup