AREMA has a wide international experience. More than 15 years ago, the company began a process of internationalization in order to expand to new markets and new ways of collaboration.
In order to increase its international presence, AREMA has worked with local partners, designing projects and acting as a consultant engineering, as well as executing and monitoring of its own works.
The company has offices and commercial representations in several countries of Central and South America as well as Eastern Europe and North Africa. AREMA is currently executing works mainly in Mexico, Colombia, Bulgaria, Romania and Algeria.
Committed to the environment and people, the company defines its values considering:
L’Empresa disposa de les Classificacions otorgades pel Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas per a la realització de treballs a les diverses Administracions Públiques, tant en disseny i construcció de plantes de tractament com en el manteniment i operació de les mateixes, talment com la d’obres hidràuliques i obres elèctriques.